Imaging Challenge

Sheffield Astronomical Society Imaging Challenge

The Sheffield Astronomical Society Imaging Challenge is run at the Beginner’s Evening, where the committee have selected an astronomical object of the month. Society members are invited to image the identified astronomical object and submit them to the committee for inclusion in the Imaging Challenge section of the Beginner’s Evening.

The rules are simple:

  • There are no prizes (other than kudos).
  • All images will be accepted irrespective of quality or equipment used.
  • Imagers are encouraged to share details of the equipment used and setup (eg. aperture, exposure, number of subs, stacking software used, etc.)
  • Imagers are encouraged to share their own critique of the image – what went right, what went wrong, how it could be improved.

The Imaging Challenge is open to any society member with an interest in astrophotography. It’s a learning experience, so please submit your images to for inclusion.

Remember: There are no bad images. Only opportunities to improve your ability as an astrophotographer, so get your images in!


December 2016 - January 2017 - Rosetta Nebula and the Pleiades

Going into the new year, your Imaging Challenge targets are the Rosette Nebula (Caldwell 49) in Monoceros and the Pleiades (M45) in Taurus.

Russell will present all submissions at the Beginner’s Evening to be held at the Ranmoor Parish Centre starting at 19:45 on Tuesday 24th January 2017.


September 2016: Twice the fun!

This month’s Imaging Challenge is a double imaging challenge for September and October. Your targets are M13 “The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules” and M57 “The Ring Nebula”.


April 2016: Jupiter

This month’s Imaging Challenge is Jupiter.

It’s a easy target at present, however the nights are drawing out and Jupiter will not be as well placed come September, so get those Jupiter images in before we lose it for a while!


March 2016: Bode's Nebula/Cigar Galaxy (M81/M82; NGC3031/NGC3034)

This month’s Imaging Challenge is the well known gravitationally interacting galaxy pair Bode’s Nebula and the Cigar Galaxy, M81 and M82 in the constellation Ursa Major.

It’s nice and high in the sky at this time of year, so it’s an excellent opportunity to image a fantastic pair of deep sky objects.