Monthly Archives: March 2015

Partial Solar Eclipse March 2015

Now the dust has settled and we can draw breath again it’s time to post an update from our Eclipse event. Our preparations for the event started in January, when we formed an organising sub-committee, with our acting Vice President, Geoff Charlton at its head. This involved a few “fact-finding missions” (or going to the

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Partial Solar Eclipse from the Frozen North

A few brave society members travelled about as far as you can go without leaving the mainland to experience the partial solar eclipse of 20th March 2015 at over 95% of totality. Observing from a cottage overlooking the sea near the Caithness town of Wick, the eclipse was clearly visible from first to last contact.

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Imaging the globular cluster M3

Society member Vince Sellars captured this superb image of the Globular Cluster M3 (NGC 5272) in the constellation of Canes Venatici on 24/03/2015. At a distance of roughly 34,000 light years, it has an unusually large population of variable stars, and is one of the finest globular clusters to observe in the northern hemisphere. Vince

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Imaging Jupiter

Jupiter is the planet of the moment, dominating the evening sky in the east. Russell Atkin captured this great image of the King of the planets complete with the largest storm in the solar system in full view. Keep up the good work Russell!

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Imaging the Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula (Messier 42) is always a popular target for imagers – capturing the intricate details of the nebula is always a challenge. I think you’ll all agree that Russell Atkin has done some fantastic work getting the detail out of M42 in this excellent shot.

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Outreach at Eyam Hall

The National Trust invited Sheffield Astronomical Society to visit the historical Eyam Hall on the evening of Saturday 28th February. Over 50 visitors attended to see presentations about the Cosmic Zoo, Constellations, and the Planet Quiz. Unfortunately, the weather was against us with cloud from horizon to horizon and some rain so no observations could

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