Monthly Archives: February 2015

Imaging Orion

During the Stargazing evening on Saturday 21st February, Rob Bates spent some time imaging the constellation of Orion and managed to capture some fantastic detail of the nebulae. Orion’s belt and sword with the Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33), the Flame Nebula (NGC2024), De Mairan’s Nebula (Messier 43) and the unmistakeable Great Nebula in Orion (Messier

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The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13 / NGC6205)

Darren’s doing more imaging! This time the target is The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, also known as Messier 13. This was taken through a SkyWatcher Explorer 200PDS telescope using a Canon 1000D camera.

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February Stargazing at the Sportsman Inn

After last week’s cancellation, the weather was looking good for the evening of Saturday 21st February with the BBC and CNtimer agreeing on the conditions. We took the society’s well known ‘Howitzer’ 7″ achromatic refractor because Jupiter was always going to be the star (planet) of the show. The evening kicked off with an early

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Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33)

Our own society secretary, Darren Swindells took this image of the notoriously difficult to see Barnard 33, otherwise known as the Horsehead Nebula in the constellation of Orion. The reflection nebula NGC 2023 can also be clearly seen at the bottom of the image just off centre. After Darren added the luminance data to the

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